

The purpose of this privacy statement is to explain how Aarsleff Rail processes your personal data.

1. Data controller
Aarsleff Rail is data controller.

Contact information:
Aarsleff Rail A/S
Hasselager Allé 5
DK-8260 Viby J
Att.: CFO Jesper Mohrsen

Aarsleff processes all personal data in accordance with applicable legislation.


2. How does Aarsleff Rail collect personal data?
Personal data are collected as follows:

  • On the B2B market: we register data about contact persons at customers, suppliers and other business partners
  • Via browser cookies
  • When registering visitors
  • Via CCTV.


The CCTV is installed to keep employees and visitors secure and safe.


As a starting point the surveillance will take place at the company’s entrance, in guest and visitor areas in the reception as well as at the goods delivery.


3. What data do we collect?
We collect the following types of personal data:

  • Name, address, phone number, email address, date of birth as well as other general personal data
  • Browser information.


4. What is the purpose of the collection?
We only collect personal data for purposes such as:

  • Administration of your relation to Aarsleff Rail
  • Sales and customer marketing
  • Security
  • Compliance with a legal obligation.


5. What is the legal basis for processing your personal data?
Below you will find an account of the legal basis on which Aarsleff Rail processes your personal data.

First and foremost, we process personal data about external partners because we have a legitimate interest, unless your interest comes before that.

Legitimate interests that we pursue are e.g. registration of contact persons of our collaboration partners, security as well as statistics about activity on our website.  


6. Your rights
Under the general data protection regulation, you have the following rights:

  • You have the right to get insight into the personal data Aarsleff Rail is processing about you.
  • You have the right to have the personal data Aarsleff Rail has registered about you rectified and updated.
  • You have the right to have the personal data Aarsleff Rail has registered about you erased. If you wish to have your personal data erased, Aarsleff Rail will erase all data if we are not required by law to save them.
  • If the processing of personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent. This means that the processing will stop unless Aarsleff Rail is required by law to process the personal data.


The access to your personal data may be restricted by protection of other people's privacy, commercial confidentiality and intellectual rights.

By a written request, you may either receive a transcript of your personal data, have your personal data updated, make objections or ask to have your personal data deleted.

The request must be signed by you and comprise name, address, phone number and email address.

You may also contact us if you think that the processing of your personal data is unlawful.


The request should be sent to:
Aarsleff Rail A/S
Hasselager Allé 5
DK-8260 Viby J
Att.: CFO Jesper Mohrsen.

Or to


Within one month after reception of your application for a transcript, we will send it to your e-mail address.

In case of requests for rectification and/or erasure of your personal data, we will investigate whether the conditions have been complied with and carry out rectification or erasure as fast as possible.

We are entitled to reject requests that are unreasonably repetitive; require disproportionate technical action (for example, the development of a new system or substantial changes to an existing practice); affect the protection of other people's personal data; entail situations, in which the desired action may be considered excessively complicated (for example, requests for information that exists only as security copies).


7. If you apply for a job with Aarsleff Rail
When you apply for a job with us, the data you have given us in connection with your application will be processed.

Personal data usually comprise name, address, phone number and email address, information about education and information about current and previous employment.

In connection with the recruitment process for selected jobs we may ask the candidates to carry out a personality test. The result of this will be processed by our HR department and the relevant departmental manager.

We use the information to find out if we want to offer you a job and to communicate with you during the recruitment process.

Your data will be stored in our internal IT systems. 

Only relevant managers and the HR department have access to your data by using personal passwords.

If you are employed with us, we will save your personal data in accordance with our internal personal data policy.


As a main rule, applications from candidates that are not employed will be stored for six months after the rejection has been sent. In some instances, after having obtained the consent from the applicant, we store the application for an extended period.

We protect your personal data in accordance with the measures described under item 8 of this present statement.

If you wish to get access to the information that we process about you either in connection with an update of your personal data or because you wish that Aarsleff Rail deletes your personal data, please contact our HR department on or on phone no. +45 8734 3000.

At any time, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data.


8. Storage security and sharing of your personal data
We protect your personal data, and we have adopted internal rules about information security comprising instructions and measures protecting your personal data against unauthorised disclosure and against unauthorised persons getting access to or knowledge about them. 

We have established procedures for how we assign access rights to those of our employees who process personal data. To avoid data loss, we currently make a backup of our data set.

In case of security breaches resulting in a high risk of discrimination, identity theft, financial loss, loss of reputation or other significant inconvenience, we will inform you of the security breach as soon as possible.

Our security procedures are currently revised based on the latest technological development.

In addition to our internal systems, we use external suppliers of IT services. We have data processor agreements with all relevant external suppliers.

We will delete your personal data when we are no longer imposed by the law to save the information or when there is no longer a purpose with the processing.


9. Cookies
We use cookies on our website:

  • Tracking: We track the number of visitors, their navigation pattern on the site and from where they accessed the site (via search engines or links etc.)
  • Third party cookies: Via our website, functionalities from other sites can be accessed. Videos, links etc. may contain cookies from these sites, e.g. they may track that you are using a function on their site via our site. A third party may e.g. be a provider’s comment field or blog field, Vimeo or YouTube.


10. Contact information
If you have questions, comments or complaints to our processing of personal data, you can write to:

Aarsleff Rail A/S
Hasselager Allé 5
DK-8260 Viby J
Att.: CFO Jesper Mohrsen

If this does not result in a clarification, you may complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency. Contact information can be found at

Any changes to this present statement shall take place by publishing new terms and conditions on Aarsleff Rails website.

See below for the date of the latest revision of this statement.

November, 2018.



UK / DK contact : +45 8734 3000
: +45 3634 4640